Effects of a Kiss

Apr 6, 2016 21:47
A kiss has various health effects.

According to the German study, husband and wife who kiss each other every morning live an average of 5 years longer than couples who don't.

In addition, couples who kiss every day earn 1.2-1.3 times as much as others.

Also, according to the large-scale survey against 30 countries, Indian married couples seem to kiss most frequently, and the number of kisses is 17.8 times per day.

The second place is Germany, the number is 11.4 times, and the third place is Sweden, the number is 8.8 times.

By the way, the worst country is Japan, and the number is 0.5 times per day.

I'm interested in whether or not life expectancy of Japanese would also increase if we became to kiss frequently.







No. 1 Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)'s correction
  • A kiss has various health effects.
  • A kiss has various health benefits.
     Since it's all positive, I would consider them benefits.

    Benefits = something good
  • According to the German study, husband and wife who kiss each other every morning live an average of 5 years longer than couples who don't.
  • According to a German study, couples who kiss each other every morning live an average of 5 years longer than those who don't.
     It's not by an sense an exceptional study so we usually refer to it with the article 'a'.
  • In addition, couples who kiss every day earn 1.2-1.3 times as much as others.
  • In addition, couples who kiss everyday earn 1.2 - 1.3 times more.
     Going by your last sentence, 'as others' is fully understood.
  • Also, according to the large-scale survey against 30 countries, Indian married couples seem to kiss most frequently, and the number of kisses is 17.8 times per day.
  • Also, according to a large-scale survey of 30 countries, married Indian couples seem to kiss most frequently with their number of kisses averaging about17.8 times per day.
     As usual, the article 'a' is used since it's not a study that stands out distinctively.
  • The second place is Germany, the number is 11.4 times, and the third place is Sweden, the number is 8.8 times.
  • Germany comes in second at 11.4 times, with Sweden occupying the third place at 8.8 times.
     Same meaning, much fewer words.
  • By the way, the worst country is Japan, and the number is 0.5 times per day.
  • By the way, the worst country is Japan at 0.5 times per day.
  • I'm interested in whether or not life expectancy of Japanese would also increase if we became to kiss frequently.
  • I'm curious if Japanese life expectancy would also increase if we kiss frequently.
     As above, it's best to convey what you want to say with fewer words.
Interesting! The science of kissing has had some substantial research. I've read some literature on it but nothing too technical. I could be wrong but I think the correlation between kissing and life expectancy isn't very clear, and doesn't account for many other possible factors.

However, deliberate acts of love and kindness (kissing, deep & meaningful communication etc) towards our spouse can greatly increase marriage satisfaction. In general, happy people live longer, and kissing is a powerful way of reminding your spouse how much you really love and value their presence.
Thank you very much for the corrections and your kind explanations! :)
Indeed, these studies that I read weren't also too technical. And I also think that people who know really love are happy and live longer. I'd like to be included in them in the near future, haha.
Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)
All the best to that =)
No. 2 Timmy's correction
  • By the way, the worst country is Japan, and the number is 0.5 times per day.
  • By the way, Japan has the worst result, with only 0.5 times per day.
I wonder if air kissing is also good for your health.
Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
It's interesting. If so, I'd like to spread air-kissing someday in Japan.
You're welcome!^_^
No. 3 スイちゃん's correction